- www.humanservices.gov.au
The above definition of domestic violence has been taken directly from the Australian Government’s Human Services website. This website goes on to provide avenues of support available to those who have found themselves to be caught in this cycle of abuse.
Research indicates that family violence is a gendered form of violence whereby four out of five victims are female and are often reluctant to report incidents of violence to the police. It has also identified six likely phases to the cycle of violence. These being the:
- build-up of tension phase;
- stand-over tactics phase;
- explosion phase;
- remorse phase;
- pursuit phase, and
- honeymoon phase
Each phase leads to the next and subsequently leaves the abused partner confused and conflicted as they swing between hope and despair, as they experience their partner’s behaviour shift between being a loving partner to one that becomes abusive and violent.
If you recognise you may be caught in a cycle of abuse, we can assist you with identifying your needs unique to you, in relation to your current living circumstances and experience. This is a complex process that requires sensitive considerations as you seek support to reconnect to your sense of value and worth. Therapy also helps relieve the sense of isolation in your suffering as you explore your options in a self-determining way. Further to her existing qualifications, Beverley also hold a ‘Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution’.
Medicare rebates are available with a GP Mental Health Care Plan. Private Health Fund rebates may apply (no referral required).