

“The love that a parent feels for his or her child is like no other, and is profoundly deep. There is a biological reason for the strength of this love – to encourage us as parents to provide our children with guidance, support and protection and to help shape them into healthy, happy and independent adults.

The greatest gift you can give your child is healthy self-esteem. Children who feel valued, accepted and have a sense of belonging feel good about themselves.

Being demonstrative in our love for our children provides the core foundation, or building-blocks, in developing their self-esteem.

This can be done in many ways – by spending one-on-one time, listening to issues or problems, praising good behaviour or a task well done and offering support and guidance in a productive and non-threatening way.
There are many non-verbal ways of demonstrating love, including hugs, kisses and smiles.

And the most precious and empowering words your child can hear from you are ‘I love you’.”

- ‘The Big Book of Love’ – Trace Moroney

One thing most parents have in common is their desire for their child to be happy. Children develop a potential to be ‘mostly’ happy, through their development of their self-esteem and confidence.

We at SBCP provide psychoeducation and skills training for parents to assist with developing a safe environment, with healthy boundaries, that is values directed and will allow their child to flourish into young adults with a sound self-efficacy.

Medicare rebates are available with a GP Mental Health Care Plan. Private Health Fund rebates may apply (no referral required).

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(08) 9341 7981

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