
Trauma – PTSD

“The post-traumatic stress process is a complex, phasic and variable natural reaction to an event that is outside the range of our usual human experience. The severity of reactions is understandable and a necessary process and should not be considered abnormal. We all play many roles in life such as, spouse, parent, child, employee, employer, friend…When none of our usual roles encompasses the traumatic event, we are not adequately equipped to deal with the situation, and a healing process needs to be gone through, after the event. We will then be able to integrate the experience and develop a role that deals with the emotions and different reality that we now perceive.”

- ‘Putting Together the Pieces – Recovering and Rebuilding Life after Trauma’ – Francess Day

Sadly, every day in today’s society, there will be someone experiencing a traumatic event and/or on-going sustained trauma in their life such as sexual abuse and violence. All too often, the individual puts pressure on themselves to ‘get on with it’ and/or ‘put the event behind them’ despite the fabric of their sense of safety and freedom being ripped to shreds and replaced with loss of confidence and overwhelming fear.

Left unprocessed, the traumatic emotional experience compromises their ability to trust, and becomes hard-wired in the central nervous system (CNS), often shifting from the conscious memory to the sub-conscious memory system. In this way, over time, environmental cues that align to the traumatic event will trigger—often inconveniently and reactively—the CNS to flood the sufferer’s system with cortisol and adrenalin in its endeavours to red flag a ‘danger proceed with caution’ signal. Consequently the sufferer will likely experience chronic anxiety/panic and/or reactive anger.

It is important that when you have experienced a traumatic event/s, you recognise you do not have to undertake your healing/recovery journey alone, as you rebuild your life and restore your natural sense of safety. We offer compassionate support in the therapy sessions to assist with you rebuilding your life to regain meaning and freedom from overwhelming fear and anxiety.

Medicare rebates are available with a GP Mental Health Care Plan. Private Health Fund rebates may apply (no referral required).

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(08) 9341 7981